Tag Archives: allergic skin disease

5 Skin Allergies in Dogs You Probably Don’t Know

One of the most commonly encountered problems with a dog’s health is skin allergy. There are many possible causes, but skin allergies in dogs are basically triggered by the inability of the pet’s skin to fight against foreign substances such as insects, spores, worms, etc. However, food allergy is as well a possibility.

1. Food Allergies

Food allergy triggers multiple symptoms including skin irritation and hair loss. It also attacks digestive system and causes diarrhea. In this case, skin allergies are merely symptoms, so it is possibly necessary to consult a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis. The allergens can be regular foods including corn, beef, soy, and chicken. Feeding the dogs with more friendly foods as recommended by a veterinarian should relieve the symptoms. Skin allergies can also occur if you keep feeding the dogs with the same types of food continuously for a month.

2. Bacteria Allergies

Bacteria Allergy in a DogStaphylococcus is a type of bacteria that causes skin itching in dogs. Some dogs are resistant to these bacteria, but other dogs may develop severe itching. Common symptoms include hair loss, red blotches, and patches of ringworm. Dogs with weak immune system are always more vulnerable.

Bacteria allergies are often associated with other problems such as hormonal disorders and parasitism. The only way to figure out the actual underlying condition is to perform blood test.

3. Atopy Allergies

Atopy allergies are associated with many symptoms such as itching hair loss, biting, red bumps, face rubbing, pustules, and more. The allergies are typically caused by flea, but common products and chemical airborne can also trigger the same problems. Since there are multiple symptoms, a veterinarian has to rule out the possibilities of other types of skin allergies in dogs caused by foods.

4. Contact Allergies

Direct contact with any allergen causes contact allergies. The allergens can be anything including chemicals, mites, spores, cleaning products, and even certain plants. The symptoms are very similar to those of bacteria allergies and they mainly develop on areas where dog’s hair is not very dense. Signs of contact allergies typically appear in 24 to 48 hours after the dog is exposed to allergens. There are several effective treatments for contact allergies such as oral medication and using certain shampoos.

5. Flea Allergies

One of the most common causes of skin allergies in dogs is flea. The animal suck blood from the dog’s body, but the saliva is the primary cause of the allergies. You can treat these problems by bathing the dog with cool water. There are also some shampoos formulated specifically to get rid of such allergies. Antibiotics are probably necessary in severe cases. Flea allergies can attack any dog aged from 3 to 5 years old.